Thursday, January 5, 2012

I swear I will...

I swear if I see a facebook status with that damn hammer time song ONE MORE TIME, I will hammer time rusty nails into your forehead. Seriously. I haven't even heard the song yet, so idk if it's good. But from the people who are posting it along with all of the other music they are posting, I'm guessing it's not too great.

Tonight I have no idea what's going on. Kind of want to mess around a bit more with those tech deck ramps. WE BEASTED THESE FUCKIN' THINGS!

So anyway, continuing on...

Might also spend part of tonight tie dying. MAKIN SOME TIE DYE HOODIES. These hoodies were 3 bucks...3 fucking dollars for hoodies. Impulse buy. Had to.

And I'm thinking a nature adventure is in the plans within this week or start of next week...

An abandoned house in Mayfield. Parts of the inside look as though it used to be part of a family of traveling circus performers/costume designers. Some weird stuff in here. Complete with the transportation in the drive way. All left to rust and rot away.

A home for heroin addicts, in Kirtland Ohio. Complete with burnt down stables/barn.

Abandoned Factories and Moldy Strawberries...

This is a collection of photos from parts of a VERY big factory. Unknown to really what this factory DID, it housed everything from machinery, to business appliances, a daycare in the back?, restaurant signs, condiments, meat hooks, lights, bikes, chairs, etc. etc. etc. Recently this factory has been completely torn down and nothing stands in it's place except for a giant parking lot.
Gotta love playing words with friends. So many random things just pop up.

Captain Mangosteen's Treasure Chest: Boris

Captain Mangosteen's Treasure Chest: Boris: Boris Yeltsin. Yes yes, the first president of the Russian Federation, blah blah blah. This dude also loved the sauce, in fact he loved th...

Long boarding through Chapin

Though the ground may not be the smoothest through here, it was still an extremely nice fall day that needed to be explored in some way.